Vegan Night MÄkete
Last Saturday of every month
Christchurch’s regular Vegan Night MÄkete (market) showcases the best local plant-based foods and goods, raises awareness of the environmental/animal welfare and health benefits of veganism, and brings the community together.
Held the last Saturday of the month at the Phillipstown Community Hub (39 Nursery Rd).
Daylight saving hours (October to March): 5pm – 8pm
Winter hours (April to September) 3:30pm – 7pm
Christmas MÄkete: usually the last Saturday before Christmas (but in 2024 it will be held on December 14th), 5pm – 8pm
Indo Tempeh House
Coptic Orthodox Church (Egyptian food)
Frappe Frenzy
Lettuce Eat Moroccan
Mind Your Temper
Panna Soaps
T.Hai Street Eats
Sweet Treats
Mothers Against Dairy
Saucey Kiwis
Bean to Infinity
Bellacious Wholefoods
Pierogi Joint
Go Nuts for Donuts
Aureate Bakery
Food for Life Indian
And many more!
Exhibitor information
To be eligible to hold a stall at the Vegan Night MÄkete, you must fit one or more of the following criteria:
a) You operate a food business and will offer only vegan food.
b) You operate a business that is of interest to vegans (e.g.: food stuffs, drinks, retail products or health care products, excluding supplements).
   i) Supplements: We do not accept registrations from businesses whose primary business is to sell supplements. Stalls selling supplements may be considered IF it is not the principle activity of the business and the supplement is of interest to the vegan community. e.g. B12.
   ii) Animal testing: We do not accept registrations from businesses who wish to sell products at our events that are tested on animals.
c) You own and operate an entirely vegan business.
d) You are part of a not-for-profit group with vegan principles. Please note we only accept registrations from NFPs and political parties IF they have veganism clearly stated in their aims/policies.
e) You are part of a vegan venture, community group or special project.
We expect that no meat or animal products (including honey) will be brought on site on the day and that you bring no materials promoting a non-vegan diet such as leaflets with non-vegan recipes. We also ask that your stall is staffed at all times as we will not be able to safeguard your goods or respond to enquiries about your stall if you leave the site.
Preference will first be given to vegan, then to vegetarian-operated businesses, but others will be able to exhibit if they fit the other criteria and there is no vegan or vegetarian-operated businesses filling the niche.
Stalls are considered by the Committee of the Christchurch Vegan Society on the basis of these criteria. Latecomers may be considered if there is still space available.
We hope to see you at Christchurch’s regular Vegan Night MÄkete! Stallholders can register below.